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How to add a signature in Mac Mail


You must use Google Chrome or Firefox to install the signature.

Step 1

Create an email signature in the Signature editor and save it.

Mac Mail Signature. Signature editor.
Step 2

On the Dashboard, hover the mouse cursor over the created signature and click on button Install.

Mac Mail Signature. Option Install.
Step 3

Select Mac Mail from the list of email clients.

Mac Mail Signature. Email clients list.
Step 4

Copy the signature to the clipboard by clicking on button Copy Signature.

Mac Mail Signature. Button Copy Signature.
Step 5

Open the Mac Mail app. Click on menu item Mail, then on option Preferences….

Mac Mail Signature. Preferences.
Step 6

Click on tab Signatures.

Mac Mail Signature. Tab Signatures.
Step 7

Select the account which the signature will be added to.

Mac Mail Signature. Select account.
Step 8

Click on button + and enter the name for the signature.

Mac Mail Signature. Add signature.
Step 9

Uncheck the checkbox Always match the default font.

Mac Mail Signature. Disable default font.
Step 10

Paste the signature in the signature box by pressing the Command+V keyboard combination. Do not pay attention to the fact that the signature may look different, when used in emails, it will be displayed correctly.

Mac Mail Signature. Paste signature.
Step 11

Click on tab Composing and check that the Message Format parameter contains the Rich Text value.

Mac Mail Signature. Select Rich Text value.
Step 12

Click on tab Viewing and make sure that Load remote content in messages is checked.

Mac Mail Signature. Load remote content in messages.
Step 13

Close the settings window.

Step 14

Create a new email and make sure the signature is added.

If you have any questions or comments about this guide, please contact us at: support@lab4stamp.com.