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How to add a signature in Outlook.com

Step 1

Create an email signature in the Signature editor and save it.

Outlook.com Signature. Signature editor.
Step 2

On the Dashboard, hover the mouse cursor over the created signature and click on button Install.

Outlook.com Signature. Option Install.
Step 3

Select Outlook.com from the list of email clients.

Outlook.com Signature. Email clients list.
Step 4

Copy the signature to the clipboard by clicking on button Copy Signature.

Outlook.com Signature. Button Copy Signature.
Step 5

Sign in to the Outlook.com account. In the top right, click on button Settings and then click on button View all Outlook settings.

Outlook.com Signature. Settings.
Step 6

Choose the option Email and click on option Compose and reply.

Outlook.com Signature. Option Compose and reply.
Step 7

Paste the signature into the signature box by pressing the Ctrl+V or Command+V keyboard combinations.

Tick the checkboxes to automatically add the signature to new emails, redirects and replies.

Outlook.com Signature. Paste signature.
Step 8

Save the settings by clicking on button Save.

Outlook.com Signature. Button Save.
Step 9

Create a new email and make sure the signature is added.

If you have any questions or comments about this guide, please contact us at: support@lab4stamp.com.